Also since my last post, Travis has learned to sit up completely on his own. He has achieved many many milestones and recently had his 6 month progress report done by his developmental specialist who has been seeing him once a week for the past 6 months. Travis has made unbelieveable progress in the last couple months and is evaluated at or above his adjusted age in almost every area! How amazing is that!?
We have made 3 trips to Redding since my last post. This last weekend we surprised my dad for Father's day and Joe, Travis, my Dad and myself went out to the lake all day on Saturday. The weather could have been better but we'll take it! Travis does really well on our trips home. He is a great traveller and usually sleeps in the car. He is such a happy baby these days. Even when he is crying or cranky you can get a smile out of him. He just loves people and is happy with who ever is holding him. He is extremely social and open to meeting new people. He has such a great attitude (most of the time)!
I cannot believe that my little baby turns ONE next month! We are planning his big birthday party out at Whiskeytown lake. I am so amazed with how far he has come and honestly never imagined that he would be doing this great so soon! But I have to run, he is yelling for me!!