Friday we had an appointment with the Gastroenterologist at Children's Hospital. I was hoping to get some answers or advice as far as the feedings go but it honestly felt like a waste of time. She basically told us that she thinks he will do better when he starts solids and that we can start as soon as he is supporting his head. She reccommended that we start with just a little baby food on our fingers right now to get him used to the idea. So we tried a little bit of rice cereal mixed with sweet potatoe and he loved it! It was pretty cute! She is going to follow up with him monthly for a while and also going to try to get him in for a swallow test to make sure he is not mircro aspirating when he eats. Otherwise she thought he looked great!
After his appointment he had to have bloodwork done for two reasons. 1) To make sure that he is still doing fine without the added electrolytes to his milk and 2) To check his iron levels to see if we still need to give him iron supplements. Probably won't know the results of those until Monday or later. It would definitely be nice to have one less med to give him. We are already down to 4!!
Feedings are still a challenge, but I would say they are going OK. We have shortened the amount of time he spends on the pump to about 7 hours and have added one more feeding throughout the day, so we are slowly weaning him off the pump and feeding tube altogether. This is a very slow process and I really don't know when he will not need it altogether but I am hoping that once he starts taking solids and less milk, we will be more successful!
Grandma and Papa and Auntie were over last night. Travis loves having his family around. Grandma is flying to Norway today! And Papa flew to Las Vegas! Travis' newest accomplishment is his ability to sit on my hip and support his upper body! May seem small but its exciting to see him getting stronger!
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