Monday, September 19, 2011

It won't be long...

I have been hearing a lot of that lately. Nurses come by to ask how Ava is doing and everyone's response is the same, "she is going to be home SOON!" I have had RT's and nurses asking me left and right if they have given me a time frame or a date yet for her to go home! What an exciting thing to be asked. So far, the doctor has not talked to be about when Ava will be going home, but we do know that it will be soon. Starting today she is being allowed to take all of her feedings by mouth, either by breast or bottle or both. Let me tell ya, feeding is NOT a problem for this girl! She looooves to eat! And that makes me a very happy mama! Feeding is still a huge issue with Travis so this is such a blessing.

From the sounds of it, once Ava masters her feeds, they will send her home, even if she is still needing oxygen. I have a feeling she won't need oxygen as they have dereased her to one liter and ever since that change she has only been on 21%. I hope she can come home completely tube free but obviously if it means she comes home sooner I would be more than willing to bring her home with oxygen. I know she would only need it for a short period of time if anything. One way or another, we are nearing the end of our NICU stay. I could not be happier about this. Ava will be 9 weeks old tomorrow. It has been a long nine weeks although it is NOTHING compared to how long we spend in the NICU with Travis. I pray that she just continues to eat like a little piggie and can get off the cannula and be home with us very very soon. I will keep you all posted!

I took this picture as I left for the NICU last night. The sky was SO beautiful and shortly after I took this picture we had a huge thunderstorm. We need the rain so bad so it was very exciting!


Marcie said...

So exciting!

Robin W. said...

Miss Ava is getting so big! I am so excited for you and your family. It wont be long and you will all be home together!!

Robin (oct ddc)

AKessler731 said...

Wonderful update! :) So happy to hear everything is going so well!! How is Travis doing?