It is hard to believe! My tiny, one pound miracle is THREE today! What an incredible journey and blessing the past three years have been. Travis came bursting into this world with almost no chance of survival, but we never gave up on him. After 142 days in the NICU, being on a ventilator for 2 months, CPAP for what felt like forever, laser eye surgery, staph infections, and many other challenges, Travis proved the world wrong and came home with us. But the journey did not end there. When he came home he had a feeding tube, oxygen and a monitor. He was on six different medications that all had to be given at specific times. It was both exhillarating and terrifying to bring him home and be both the mommy and the nurse. Somehow we made it through and slowly started getting rid of medical equipment. Today, Travis is a happy, healthy, vibrant little boy. He wears glasses and is a peanut, but otherwise you would never know he was born SO early. It has been amazing to watch him grow and learn and discover the world around him!

He is SO DARN CUTE!!! And it is amazing how far he's come in 3 years--that is a testament to what a fantastic mom you are. :) Just think, that'll be Ava in 3 years!
What a sweetie <3 He is a strong one, just as his sister is! Bless you all...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRAVIS!
Happy Birthday Travis!! What a miracle!!
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