After such an incredibly rough day yesterday, I was terrified to leave Ava last night. Especially after she pulled a nice little stunt as we were getting up to leave and stopped breathing again. She recovered quicker this time but it was still very scary to watch, it always is. No mother wants to see her baby like that and now I have witnessed both of my sweet babies in this state. It is frustrating beyond belief. I just can't understand why they have to endure so much pain and suffering.
I called to check on Ava when I got home, and every time I was up to pump during the night...every three hours. She was much more stable during the night, still having episodes but fewer and less dramatic. When I just called this morning, she was doing ok, but had already had one episode for her day nurse. The doctor will be rounding soon so hopefully he will call me this morning with the plan for Miss Ava. Because she is a week old, she will also be getting a head ultrasound today to check for any bleeding. This obviously makes me very nervous but we just have to pray for the best, it is nothing that we have any control over. She gets her last dose of Endocin (to close her PDA) this morning so later today they will do a repeat echo to check on that and see if it has closed. So there are a lot of things going on today and I am nervous about every single one of them. I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to the days of learning to eat and grow. They can't come soon enough!
I will update later today with the results from all of the tests she will be having along with what the doctor feels is best for Ava's breathing. I am praying she can hold her own on the SiPap so she can get a little stronger and start moving forward. I also am really praying for her PDA to be closed so that she can move forward with feedings and GROW. She needs to grow to get stronger and to be able to breathe easier. Thank you for all your prayers and positive thoughts you are sending this way, I am definitely feeling them and so is Miss Ava!
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