Well, I am determined to start blogging again -or for the first time really- whatever you want to call it. I really regretted not blogging very much when Travis was in the NICU and although I remember some of the journey, a lot has been forgotten as well. I don't know where this new journey is going to lead us and quite honestly I hope this blog is a very boring update of my life in this bed for the next 10 weeks, but either way, I want to be able to remember it.
So as everyone knows, Joseph and I found out we were pregnant with our second little miracle baby on February 3rd. After having surgery to repair my septate uterus, I was hopeful that a full term pregnancy would be in my future. But I would be lying if I didn't tell you that I have been terrified every step of this journey. This time around I was being followed closer by high risk docs and that was giving me some peace of mind. But every little off feeling would cause me to be sticken with fear and all the what ifs.
On Monday evenning (July 11, 2011) I started to have some cramping, increased braxton hicks and thought I may have lost part of my mucous plug (sorry if that is too much info). I had a scheduled appointment with my perinatologist the following afternoon so I figured I could wait it out until then, after all, I had been having what seemed like millions of contractions since 10 weeks into my pregnancy. Tuesday seemed to drag on forever. This was the first appointment that Joseph got to go with me to because we had my cousin, Grace with us so she was able to stay home with Travis. First they did the abdominal u/s to check on the baby's growth which was perfect. The baby was sucking his/her thumb and was SO adorable. Head down, but down VERY low. For the transvaginal u/s the tech had the doctor come in while she did it. I have seen a lot of ultrasounds and I know exactly what to look for. The moment I saw what was on that screen, I put my hand up over my eyes and tears began to fall. I KNEW it was bad. After they took a few measurments, she put the u/s back and I said to the doctor, "I already know it is bad." She said, "Yes, why don't you sit up so we can talk about what is going on here." That is when we found out that my cervix was open, about 1.5 cm dilated and my doctor wanted me to be admitted to L&D until at LEAST 28 weeks if I made it that far.
We hugged a lot and many many tears fell. I was completely terrified and not wanting to do this again. We called family and tried to figure out what to do with Travis duing this time. Thankfully my amazing friend Sarah who didn't have any commitments at home was able to fly in the next morning so she can be with Travis. I got admitted and after a few hours of monitoring, the decision was made to start me on magnesium sulfate because my contractions were coming pretty regularly (about 5 mins apart). That stuff is about as fun as you hear about it being. Makes you feel very hot, and fluish. My contractions kept up for quite some time but yesterday was a pretty calm day. Sarah arrived and Joe brought her and Travis and Grace up here until he got off work around 4. I also had a friend, Meg come visit so yesterday was a good day with lots of company to keep my spirits up. Today Kes is coming and that will help a lot too.
I have recieived my two steroid shots to mature the baby's lungs and my contractions have been very calm all day so they will probably stop the magnesium sometime today. From there on out it is just a wait and see. Tomorrow I will be 26 weeks, so every day and every week inside is better for the baby. So far I have been monitored 24/7 and baby has been great, very active, getting hiccups all the time. So that is where we stand right now. Wait and see. We have been here before and I am just hoping that my body can hold out a few more weeks, so this baby can be born healthy.
1 comment:
Sending prayers your way! I like how they tell you that you need to make it to 28 weeks as if you have some control over it. They told me the same thing when I was admitted at 23 weeks with my twins. They were born at 24 weeks. I will be praying that this baby will stay put and that you will have lots of time to just lay around and blog. Praying!
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