I am sorry it has taken me so long to update. Ava's surgery went well! The doctor called me this morning to tell me surgery would be at 11 and to be there at 10:30 to sign consents and whatnot. Then at 9:04, the nurse called to tell me it was being moved up to 10 and to be there at 9:30. UM, I was in the shower! We rushed and got Travie up and dressed and ran out the door. Got to the hospital at 9:36! PHEW! And then of course, we sat and waiting for a while. The surgeon and anesthesiologist both came to talk to me and explain everything and then I got to go back and give Ava a kiss before her surgery. She was already mostly sedated and on a ventilator. It was very hard to see her that way.
Ava - Pre-op
After that, I went out to wait and the surgery began. The procedure itself only took about 15 minutes and the surgeon came to tell me that everything went perfect with no complications. It took a long time for them to get everthing cleaned up, but I finally got to go back and see her. She was still completely sedated from the anesthesia but she looked good. Right now her heart rate is very high, they think because she is in pain so they are giving her pain medicine and hoping that she is able to calm down. She is really not moving very much so it is sad to think she is in pain :( I will be calling later to check on her and see how she is doing. Thank you all for the prayers!
So glad the surgery went well!!! Hope her heart rate drops back to normal and hope so much that she isnt in pain! Poor baby girl!! Looking forward to more great news to come!
So glad the surgery went well. One hurdle taken care of. Now she can heal and start to get stronger by feeding and then growing. We hope with all our hearts that the white part in the ultrasound will end up being nothing, but even if it is... some people with disabilities (whatever they might be) can still be miracles and teach us all many things in life. We love you all and miss you immensely and are sending hugs and kisses to all of you during this time. Take care and don't forget to eat and sleep as hard as it might be. You need to be strong for Travis and Ava.
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