As far as an Ava update goes, she is still fighting an infection. It is now in her lungs, PICC line, blood and her incision. The particular bacteria that she has tends to take 2-3 weeks to clear up so this is frustrating and upsetting. The good news is that she still has not acted sick. She is still on the ventilator but she is mostly breathing over it and she is not requiring any extra oxygen right now. The new doctor that is on agrees with me that she is going to need to be pushed more to get off and she is hoping to extubate her in the next day or two. I really hope to see that happen. Yesterday she was on full feeds but she started throwing up, probably just from not feeling great from the infection, so they backed down a little bit on her feeds but she is still close to full feeds. She now weighs 2lbs 11oz. Overall she looks great. She really loves to lay on her belly so they have been mostly keeping her that way. I don't think there is much else to report about her. It's just a day at a time and our main goals right now are to kick the infection and to get rid of the vent. I think once those two things are solved, she will be able to move forward much more quickly. 
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
2 Weeks Old
Ava is two weeks old today. It's hard to believe, not because it has gone by fast, but because it feels like this journey has already been much longer than that. It is amazing how drastically life changes when your baby is born so prematurely. I don't think there is a single element of my life that is the same anymore. A typical day for me consists of pumping every 2-3 hours, visiting Ava around noon when the NICU opens, trying to find a car to buy, squeezing in errands and going back to visit at 7:30. Trying to work around pumping and a three year old has proven to be quite the challenge, but right now I have my mom here to help and she has pretty much taken over Travis care, along with making sure I have food in my belly and a clean house. She is amazing and I can't even THINK about how I am going to survive when she has to go home.

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I love being able to check in every day or sometimes more and see if you have any new information. Hang in there little Ava. I can't believe how strong she is, just like her brother. All the things she is fighting for and still progressing, even if it is little by little. I'm glad your mom is there doing the mommy thing for you while you do the mommy thing for Ava. What a great mom, both of you. Take care and make sure you eat, and get some little rest here and there. Love ya sister.
I found you in the Oct 11 DDC on JM (I lurk there--I belong to the OCT 10 PR) & am in awe of how you manage, and I find your little boy & new baby girl just amazing. They have such fight in them. I love seeing their pictures, too & how much they change being so small in the beginning. I am happy Ava is doing so well & will keep her & your family in my thoughts. --Robin
Thinking healthy thoughts for baby Ava! She is so cute, Momma. I'm glad your mom is there too, what a big help! I cannot imagine the Nicu with a 3 year old as well. PHEW!
Big hugs from Steph (Mumba/Oct 11 DDC)
I am glad Ava is doing well. Hope the infection passes soon and she is able to move forward at a great pace! She is doing amazing so far and is a true fighter! Go baby Ava!! We are all here rooting you on!!
Robin (From the JM Oct 11 DDC)
She is getting so big already! She looks amazing. We will continue to pray her infection gets better and she can come off vent soon!!!
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