Ava is doing well overall. Still very up and down with her breathing. Sometimes she likes to breathe and other times she thinks it is overrated. I will be a very happy Mama when she stops that monkey business. It can be very scary. She is up to 23ml/3hrs of breastmilk fortified to 24 calories and is doing great with that, but unfortunately not really gaining weight. It takes a lot of calories to breathe (I know you are all jealous and wish you could lose weight just by breathing, but we need Miss Ava to GAIN!).
The infectious disease doctor that is looking over Ava does want her to have a bone scan so she is doing that today. She went down early this afternoon to have the dye injected and they shoud be doing the actual scan any time now. If she does in fact have an infection in her bones, she will need to be on antibiotics for 6 weeks. Obviously we are hoping and praying that this is not the case, but it's better to know and be able to treat the problem.
Over the last few days Ava has become SO much more alert as you can see in the pictures. She still does not have full control over her eyes so she does some funny things with them sometimes but she is opening her eyes so much bigger these days and really looking around. The doctor wrote orders for us to start non-nutritive sucking with Ava which means that I will pump until I am empty and then we will put her to breast so she can become familiar with the smells and practice sucking without being drowned by my milk, haha. I am really looking forward to this. She will be 30 weeks on Friday and depending on how stable she is she will start actually eating by mouth at 32 weeks, so we are just getting her ready for that. My milk supply is out of control. I pump 72-80 oz every 24 hours, so I am so thankful that I now have a deep freezer that was so generously donated to me!
She is just beautiful!! :) Praying for a healthy bone scan!
Holy Milk Glands Batman!!! And I thought I was an overproducer, my 50 ounces a day sounds so piddly! Are you still pumping at night? Because, I think you can probably stop now and get some rest instead--your supply is clearly well-established! WAY TO GO MAMA!!!
Hope she has a good bone scan too! The pictures are priceless. The bottom one looks like she has teeth.. lol BREATH AVA! BREATH!! Maybe she needs headphones with a recording "Breath in, breath out" to remind her. :)
Robin (Oct DDC)
Geeze, I am so jealous! I was only able to produce 1oz per hour (so 24oz per day) when I was pumping every 2-3 hours around the clock! You are AMAZING!!! And I agree with Jim's Mom, it's probably safe to stop pumping at night and get some rest! You certainly deserve it!
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