Friday, August 12, 2011

The day of Threes

Ava is 30 gestational weeks today. She is also 3 weeks and 3 days old. Kinda crazy right?! I thought so.

Well our little miss is quite the drama queen. I am really ready for her to stop this monkey business and get serious with her breathing. She is having many many apenic episodes, some that require vigorous stimulation and others that require bagging and oxygen. I keep hoping it will improve, but every day is the same or worse. They added a new medication yesterday and that seemed to help for a little while but she was back at it by the night shift. She is also not really gaining weight. She is up to 2lbs 11oz but can't seem to get above that. They have increased her breastmilk to 26 calories/oz so we will see if that helps, or just becomes more difficult for her little belly to tolerate. All of this stuff is normal preemie stuff, but normal does not = easy. There is really not much else new to report with Ava today.

Tomorrow my mom has to leave. I am really struggling with this. I could never even explain how much help she has been. Quite frankly, I am very concerned with how we are going to survive without her. She cooks, cleans, takes care of Travis, washes my pumping parts, . Not to mention the emotional support she provides. She truly is amazing and I know that there is no way for me to ever repay her. I just pray that I can be half as incredible to my kids if they ever need me the way I need her right now. She has sacrificed so much to be here and she needs to get back to her life, but I will be so sad to see her go. Thankfully I am healed from my c-section and feeling great physically, so she got me through that part. I just hope somehow we figure out how to do this on our own. I have really depended on her the last two weeks so it will be an adjustment. Thank you so much to my Mommybelle!

1 comment:

Jessi said...

I've just been catching up on your posts for the past few days. I have been thinking about you so much. Praying for your sweet girl!